
Publications & COV



  • Geoffriau, E., Oran, N., Sourdin, C., Morvan, C., Huet, S., Dubois-Laurent, C., Suel, A., Le Clerc, V. & Briard, M. (2024). Valorization of carrot genetic resources through participatory breeding for organic farming. Acta Hortic. 1393, 269-276. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1393.35.
  •  Moussa Anlati, S., Brisset, M.N., Gaucher, M., Papon, P., Dia, D., Suel, A., Huet, S., Briard, M., Geoffriau, E. & Le Clerc, V. (2024). How to optimize the deployment of biocontrol products for carrot?. Acta Hortic. 1393, 77-82. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1393.10.
  • Posylaieva, O., Dubois-Laurent, C., Huet, S., Suel, A., Le Clerc, V., Briard, M. &Geoffriau, E. (2024). Physiological method of selection of wild carrot as source material for breeding heat-resistant cultivars. Acta Hortic. 1393, 297-304. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1393.38.


  • Koutouan, C. E., Le Clerc, V., Suel, A., Hamama, L., Claudel, P., Halter, D., ... & Briard, M. (2023). Co-Localization of Resistance and Metabolic Quantitative Trait Loci on Carrot Genome Reveals Fungitoxic Terpenes and Related Candidate Genes Associated with the Resistance to Alternaria dauci. Metabolites, 13(1), 71.
  • Goritschnig, S., Pagan, P., Mallor, C., Thabuis, A., Chevalier, J., Hägnefelt, A., Bertolin, N., Salgon, S., Groenewegen, M., Ingremeau, A., Santillan Martinez, M., Lehnert, H., Keilwagen, J., Burges, T., Budahn, H., Nothnagel, T., Lopes, V., Allender, C., Huet, S. & Geoffriau, E. (2023). Exploring European carrot diversity through public-private partnerships in EVA Carrot. Acta Hortic. 1384, 63-70-DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1384.8


  • Chevalier, W., Moussa, S. A., Ottoni, M. M. N., Dubois-Laurent, C., Huet, S., Aubert, C., ... & Geoffriau, E. (2022). Evaluation of pedoclimatic factors and cultural practices effects on carotenoid and sugar content in carrot root. European Journal of Agronomy, 140, 126577.
  • Ramaroson, M. L., Koutouan, C., Helesbeux, J. J., Le Clerc, V., Hamama, L., Geoffriau, E., & Briard, M. (2022). Role of Phenylpropanoids and Flavonoids in Plant Resistance to Pests and Diseases. Molecules, 27(23), 8371.
  • Saied, S., Grenier, P., Geoffriau, E., Polling, B., Kezeya, B., Rejeb, H. (2022). Analysis of actors' visions of Tunisian urban and peri-urban agriculture in order to propose a training program. Analyse des visions de l’agriculture urbaine et péri-urbaine tunisienne en vue de proposer un programme de formation. Cahiers Agricultures , 31, 20.



  • Briard, M., Le Clerc, V., Huet, S., Granger, J., & Geoffriau, E. (2020). Tuberous-rooted chervil. In Geoffriau, E. & Simon, P. W. (Eds.) Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops, CABI, pp. 325-332.
  • Geoffriau, E., & Simon, P. W. (Eds.). (2020). Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops. CABI. 346 p.
  • Geoffriau, E. (2020). Carrot root quality. In Geoffriau, E. & Simon, P. W. (Eds.) Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops, CABI, pp. 171-184.
  • Geoffriau, E. (2020). Genetic diversity and main carrot types. In Geoffriau, E. & Simon, P. W. (Eds.) Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops, CABI, pp. 47-60.
  • Le Clerc V. (2020). La résistance aux maladies et la qualité chez la carotte. Jardins de France 658:63-65.
  • Le Clerc V. & Briard M. (2020). Carrot disease management. In Geoffriau, E. & Simon, P. W. (Eds.) Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops, CABI, pp. 115-129.
  • Lemiere, S., & Geoffriau, E. (2020). Celeriac. In Geoffriau, E. & Simon, P. W. (Eds.) Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops, CABI, pp. 263-27
  • Martínez-Flores, F., Crespo, M. B., Simon, P. W., Ruess, H., Reitsma, K., Geoffriau, E., Allender, C., Mezghani, N., Spooner, D. M. (2020). Subspecies Variation of Daucus carota Coastal (“Gummifer”) Morphotypes (Apiaceae) Using Genotyping-by-Sequencing. Systematic Botany, 45(3), 688-702.
  • Soleti, R., Mallegol, P., Hilairet, G., Frifra, M., Perrin, F., Dubois-Laurent, C., Huet, S., Pignon, P., Basset, L., Geoffriau, E., Andriantsitohaina, R. (2020). Carrot Genotypes Contrasted by Root Color and Grown under Different Conditions Displayed Differential Pharmacological Profiles in Vascular and Metabolic Cells. Nutrients, 12(2), 337.
  • Villeneuve, F., & Geoffriau, E. (2020). Carrot physiological disorders and crop adaptation to stress. In Geoffriau, E. & Simon, P. W. (Eds.) Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops, CABI, pp. 156-170.


  • Briard M. (2019).Les carottes 'Daucus carota'. Jardin familial de France 514:8-11
  • Briard, M. (2019). Carrot biotic stresses: challenges and research priorities. Acta Hortic. 1264, 113-122. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1264.13
  • du Toit, L. J., Le Clerc, V., Briard, M. (2019). Genetics and Genomics of Carrot Biotic Stress. In Simon P., Iorizzo M., Grzebelus D., Baranski R. Editors, The Carrot Genome, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. pp. 317-362.
  • Geoffriau E. (2019). Advances in carrot breeding. In Hochmuth, G. (ed.), Achieving sustainable cultivation of vegetables, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK. pp. 397-436
  • Koutouan C., Briard M., Baltenweck R., Claudel P., Halter D., Hugueney P., Hamama L, Suel A., Huet S., Bouvet Merlet M-H., Moussa S.A., Le Clerc V., 2019. Carrot resistance against Alternaria Leaf Blight: potential involvement of terpenes and flavonoids. Acta Hortic. 1264, 191-198. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1264.23
  • Koutouan C., Le Clerc V., Suel A., Briard M., (2019). Des SDP contre la brûlure foliaire. Réussir Fruits et légumes 400:66-67.
  • Le Clerc V., Aubert C., Cottet V., Yovanopoulos C., Piquet M., Suel A., Huet S., Koutouan C.,Hamama L., Chalot G., Josdt M., Pumo B., Briard M. (2019). Breeding for carrot resistance to Alternaria dauci without compromising taste. Molecular Breeding 39(4), 59.
  • Le Clerc V. (2019). Des carottes résistantes à l'alternariose et peu amères, c'est possible! Cultures légumières 174:24-25.
  • Le Clerc V., Aubert C., Cottet V.,Yovanopoulos C., Piquet M., Suel A., Huet S., Koutouan C., Hamama L., Chalot G., Jost M., Pumo B., Briard M. 2019. Resistant carrots to Alternaria dauci or tasty carrots: should we choose? Acta Hortic. 1264, 199-204. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1264.24
  • Martinez Flores F., Crespo M. B., Geoffriau E., Allender C., Ruess H., Arbizu C., Simon P., and Spooner D.M. (2019). Extended studies of interspecific relationships in Daucus (Apiaceae) using DNA sequences from ten nuclear Orthologues. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 191, 164–187.
  • Pitrat M., Geoffriau E. (2019). Origines des plantes cultivées et iconographie historique. Jardins de France 653 :24-28
  • Simon P. W, Geoffriau E., Ellison S. and Iorizzo M. (2019). Carrot carotenoid genetics and genomics. In Simon P., Iorizzo M., Grzebelus D., Baranski R. Editors, The Carrot Genome, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. pp. 247-260.


  • Koutouan C., Le Clerc V., Baltenweck R., Claudel P., Halter D., Hugueney P., Hamama L., Suel A., Huet S., Bouvet Merlet MH., Briard M., 2018. Link between carrot leaf secondary metabolites and resistance to Alternaria dauci. Scientific reports 8(1), 13746.
  • Courtial J., Hamama L., Helesbeux J-J., Lecomte M., Renaux Y., Guichard E., Voisine L., Yovanopoulos C., Hamon B., Ogé L., Richomme P., Briard M., Boureau T., Gagné S., Poupard P., Berruyer R. (2018). Aldaulactone – An Original Phytotoxic Secondary Metabolite Involved in the Aggressiveness of Alternaria dauci on Carrot. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1–17.


  • Perrin F., Dubois-Laurent C., Gibon Y., Citerne S., Huet S., Suel A., Le Clerc V., Briard M., Hamama L., Peltier D., Gagné S., Geoffriau E., 2017. Combined Alternaria dauci infection and water stresses impact carotenoid content of carrot leaves and roots. Environmental and Experimental Botany 143: 125–134.
  • Perrin F., Hartmann L., Dubois-Laurent C., Welsch R., Huet S., Hamama L., ... & Geoffriau E., 2017. Carotenoid gene expression explains the difference of carotenoid accumulation in carrot root tissues. Planta, 245(4), 737-747.


  • Geoffriau E., 2016. Valorisation de la diversité génétique pour l’amélioration, la diversification et l’étude de caractères d’intérêt chez les espèces légumières. Mémoire d'habilitation à diriger les recherches, Université d'Angers, 130p. [soutenu le 21 janvier 2016].
  • Le Clerc V., Auperpin E., Suel A., Rousseau D., Belin E., Poupard P., Lambert J., Voisine L., Hamama L., Boureau T., Berruyer R., Barrot L., Prieur R., Briard M. 2016. Etude de la résistance partielle de la carotte à Alternaria dauci par une approche de phénotypage multi critères. Innovations Agronomiques 50: 101-109.
  • Perrin F., Hartmann L., Dubois-Laurent C., Welsch R., Huet S., Hamama L., Briard M., Peltier D., Gagné S., Geoffriau E., 2016. Carotenoid gene expression explains the difference of carotenoid accumulation in carrot root tissues. Planta DOI: 10.1007/s00425-016-2637-9
  • Zinsmeister J., Lalanne D., Terrasson E., Chatelain E., Vandecasteele C., Ly Vu B., Dubois-Laurent C., Geoffriau E., Signor C.L., Dalmais M., Gutbrod K., Dörmann P., Gallardo K., Bendahmane A., Buitink J., Leprince O. , 2016. ABI5 Is a Regulator of Seed Maturation and Longevity in Legumes. Plant Cell. 28(11):2735-2754. Epub 2016 Nov 15.
  • Perrin F., Brahem M., Dubois-Laurent C., Huet S., Jourdan M., Geoffriau E., Peltier D., Gagne S., 2016. Differential pigment accumulation in carrot leaves and roots during two growing periods. J. Agric. Food Chem 64:906-912 doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05308


  • Jourdan M., Gagné S., Dubois-Laurent C., Maghraoui M., Huet S., Suel A., Hamama L., Briard M., Peltier D., Geoffriau E. 2015. carotenoid content and root color of cultivated carrot: a candidate-gene association study using an original broad unstructured population. PLoS ONE: 1-19.
  • Le Clerc V., Suel A., Pawelec A., Marques S., Huet S., Lecomte M., Poupard P., Briard M. 2015. Is there variety × isolate interaction in the polygenic quantitative resistance of carrot to Alternaria dauci ?  Euphytica 202: 235-243.
  • Le Clerc V., Marques S., Suel A., Huet S., Hamama L., Voisine L., Auperpin E., Jourdan M., Barrot L., Prieur R., Briard M. 2015. QTL mapping of carrot resistance to leaf blight with connected populations: stability accross years and consequences for breeding. Theoretical & Applied Genetics 128: 2177-2187.
  • Perrin F., Brahem M., Dubois-Laurent C., Huet S., Jourdan M., Geoffriau E., Peltier D., Gagné S. 2015. Differential Pigment Accumulation in Carrot Leaves and Roots during Two Growing Periods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05308.


  • Arango J., Jourdan M., Geoffriau E., Beyer P., Welsch R. 2014. Carotene hydroxylase activity determines the levels of both α-carotene and total carotenoids in orange carrots . The Plant Cell Online,26(5): 2223 - 2233
  • Le Clerc V., Suel A., Geoffriau E., Huet S., Briard M. 2014.  Évolution temporelle de la diversité génétique de Chaerophyllum bulbosum : conséquences sur la gestion des ressources génétiques. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 337(5): 352 - 359
  • Lecomte M., Hamama L., Voisine L., Gatto J., Helesbeux J. - J., Seraphin D., Peña-Rodriguez L. M., Richomme P., Boedo C., Yovanopoulos C., Gyomlai M., Briard M., Simoneau P., Poupard P., Berruyer R. 2014. Partial resistance of carrot to Alternariadauci correlates with in vitro cultured carrot cell resistance to fungal exudates . PLoS ONE, 9(7): e101008.
  • Rabot A., Portemer V., Péron T., Mortreau E., Leduc N., Hamama L., Coutos-Thévenot P., Atanassova R., Sakr S., Gentilhomme-Le Gourrierec J. 2014. Interplay of sugar, light and gibberellins in expression of Rosa hybrida vacuolar invertase 1 regulation. Plant and Cell Physiology,55(10):1734 - 1748.
  • Navez B., Cottet V., Villeneuve F., Jost M., Latour F., Huet S., & Geoffriau E., 2014. Carrot organoleptic quality as related to cultivar and production area. In International Symposium on Carrot and Other Apiaceae 1153: 125-132.


  • Le Bras C., Le Besnerais P. - H., Hamama L., Grapin A. 2013. Cryopreservation of ex-vitro-grown Rosa chinensis ‘Old Blush’ buds using droplet-vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration . Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 116(2): 235 - 242
  • Pochon S., Simoneau P., Pigné S., Balidas S., Bataille-Simoneau N., Campion C., Jaspard E., Calmes B., Hamon B., Berruyer R., Juchaux M., Guillemette T. 2013. Dehydrin-like proteins in the necrotrophic fungus Alternaria brassicicola have a role in plant pathogenesis and stress response . PLoS ONE, 8(10) e75143.
  • Rousseau C., Belin E., Bove E., Rousseau D., Fabre F., Berruyer R., Guillaumes J., Manceau C., Jacques M. - A., Boureau T. 2013. High throughput quantitative phenotyping of plant resistance using chlorophyll fluorescence image analysis . Plant Methods, 9(1): 1-13
  • Soufflet-Freslon V., Jourdan M., Clotault J., Huet S., Briard M., Peltier D., Geoffriau E. 2013. Functional gene polymorphism to reveal species history: the case of the CRTISO gene in cultivated carrots ». PLoS ONE, 8(8) e70801.9


  • Boedo, C., Benichou, S., Berruyer, R., Bersihand, S., Lecomte, M., Dongo, A., Simoneau, P., Briard, M., Le Clerc, V. & Poupard, P. 2012. Alternaria dauci shows significant variation in aggressiveness and is a pathogen on different hosts. Plant Pathology, 61(1):63–75
  • Choubane D, Rabot A, Mortreau E, Legourrierec J, Perron T, Foucher F, Ahcène Y, Pelleschi-Travier S, Leduc N, Hamama L, Sakr S* (in press) 2012. Photocontrol of bud burst involves Gibberellins biosynthesis in Rosa sp..J. Plant Physiology, 169(13):1271-80
  • Clotault, J., Peltier, D., Soufflet-Freslon, V., Briard, M., Geoffriau, E. 2012. Differential selection on carotenoid biosynthesis genes as a function of gene position in the metabolic pathway: a study on the carrot and dicots. PLoS ONE, 7: e38724
  • Hamama L., Naouar A, Gala R. , Voisine L.,  Pierre S., Jeauffre J., Cesbron D., Leplat F., Foucher F., Dorion N. and Hibrand-Saint Oyant L. 2012. Overexpression of RoDELLA impacts the height, branching, and flowering behaviour of Pelargonium x domesticum transgenic plants. Plant Cell Reports, 31:2015–2029
  • Lecomte M., Berruyer R., Hamama L., Boedo C., Hudhomme P.,  Bersihand S., Arul J.,  N’Guyen G., Gatto J., Guilet D., Richomme P., Simoneau P., Briard M., Le Clerc  V., Poupard P. 2012. Inhibitory effects of the carrot metabolites 6-methoxymellein and falcarindiol on development of the fungal leaf blight pathogen Alternaria dauci. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 80  58-67
  • Pochon S., Terrasson E., Guillemette T., Iacomi-Vasilescu B., Georgeault S., Juchaux M., Berruyer R., Debeaujon I. Simoneau P. & Campion C. 2012. The Arabidopsis thaliana - Alternaria brassicicola pathosystem: a model interaction for investigating seed transmission of necrotrophic fungi. Plant Methods, in press
  • Rabot A., Henry C., Mortreau E., Azri W., Lothier J., Hamama L., Boumaza R.,  Leduc N., Pelleschi-Travier S., Le Gourrierec J., Sakr S. 2012. Insight Into The Role Of Sugars In Bud Burst Under Light in The Rose. Plant and Cell Physiology, 53(6):1068-82
  • Randoux M, Jeauffre J, Thouroude T, Vasseur F, Hamama L, Juchaux M, Sakr S, and Foucher F. 2012. Gibberellins regulate the transcription of the continuous flowering regulator, RoKSN, a rose TFL1 homologue. Journal of Experimental Botany,63 (18):6543–6554


  • Hamama L., Voisine L., Peltier D., Boccon-Gibod J.R, 2011. Shoot regeneration and genetic transformation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens of Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. leaf discs. Scientia Horticulturae, 127: 378-387
  • Jabbes N., Geoffriau E., Le Clerc V., Dridi B. Hannechi C, 2011. Inter Simple Sequence Repeat fingerprints for assess genetic diversity of Tunisian garlic populations. Journal of agricultural science , 3(4)77-85


  • Boedo C., Berruyer R., Lecomte M., Bersihand S., Briard M., Le Clerc V., Simoneau P., Poupard P., 2010. Evaluation of different methods for the characterization of carrot resistance to the Alternaria leaf blight pathogen (Alternaria dauci) revealed two qualitatively different resistances. Plant Pathology 59, 368-375.
  • Clotault J., Geoffriau E., Lionneton E., Briard M., Peltier D., 2010. Carotenoid biosynthesis genes provide evidence of geographical subdivision and extensive linkage disequilibrium in the carrot. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121, 659-672.
  • Joubert A., Calmes B., Berruyer R., Pihet M., Bouchara J.P., Simoneau P., Guillemette T., 2010. Laser nephelometry applied in an automated microplate system to study filamentous fungus growth. Biotechniques 48, 399-404.


  • Benichou S., Dongo A., Henni D.E., Peltier D., Simoneau P., 2009. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers from the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria dauci. Molecular Ecology Resources 9, 390-392.
  • Le Clerc V., Pawelec A., Birolleau-Touchard C., Suel A., Briard M., 2009. Genetic architecture of factors underlying partial resistance to Alternaria leaf blight in carrot. Theoretical & Applied Genetics 118, 1251-1259.

Date de modification : 18 juin 2024 | Date de création : 11 mai 2011 | Rédaction : V Le Clerc