


  • Joan Doidy (1) , Yuhui Wang (2, 3) , Léo Gouaille (2) , Ingrid Goma-Louamba (1) , Zhengrong Jiang (2, 3) , Nathalie Pourtau (1) , José Le Gourrierec (2) , Soulaiman Sakr (2, 4, 2) Sugar Transport and Signaling in Shoot Branching International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024
  • Sophie Herpin (1) , Souleymane Mballo (1, 2) , Melvin Manteau (1, 2) , Dominique Lemesle (2) , Agathe Boukouya (3, 4) , Bénédicte Dubuc (3, 4) , Lydie Ledroit (3, 4) , Patrice Cannavo (1) , Sabine Demotes-Mainard (3, 4) , Pierre-Emmanuel Bournet (1) A reduced-scale canyon street to study tree climate benefits: summer 2020 data with well-watered apple trees .
  • Zhengrong Jiang, Qiuli Chen, Dun Liu, Weike Tao, Shen Gao, Jiaqi Li, Chunhao Lin, Meichen Zhu, Yanfeng Ding, Weiwei Li, Ganghua Li, Soulaiman Sakr, Lihong Xue. Application of slow-controlled release fertilizer coordinates the carbon flow in carbon-nitrogen metabolism to effect rice quality.
  • J. Thierry (1, 2, 3, 4) , S. Herpin (1, 2, 3) , R. Levi (1, 2, 3) , D. Canonne (1, 2) , Sabine Demotes-Mainard (5, 3) , Patrice Cannavo (1) , D. Lemesle (1, 2, 3) , Lydia Brialix (1, 2, 3) , Fabrice Rodriguez (6, 2) , P.E. Bournet (1, 2, 3). Impact of a water restriction on the summer climatic benefits of trees inside an outdoor street canyon scale model.       


  • Zhengrong Jiang, Hongyi Yang, Meichen Zhu, Longmei Wu, Feiyu Yan, Haoyu Qian, Wenjun He, Dun Liu, Hong Chen, Lin Chen, Yanfeng Ding, Soulaiman Sakr & Ganghua Li The Inferior Grain Filling Initiation Promotes the Source Strength of Rice Leaves Rice volume 16, Article number: 41 (2023)
  • Marthe Malécange 1,2, Renaud Sergheraert 2, Béatrice Teulat 1, Emmanuelle Mounier 2, Jérémy Lothier 1 and Soulaiman Sakr 1,* Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(11), 9714, Biostimulant Properties of Protein Hydrolysates: Recent Advances and Future Challenges
  • Soulaiman Sakr Special Issue “Sugar Transport, Metabolism and Signaling in Plants”Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(6), 5655;
  • S. Demotes-Mainard, S. Herpin, A. Boukouya, S. Mballo, B. Dubuc, L. Ledroit, C. Le Lebras, D. Lemesle, P.E. Bournet Impacts of the urban environment on well-watered tree architectural development and tree climatic services 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1374.24


  • Julie Mallet, Patrick Laufs, Nathalie Leduc and José Le Gourrierec.Photocontrol of Axillary Bud Outgrowth by MicroRNAs: Current State-of-the-Art and Novel Perspectives Gained From the Rosebush Model Front. Plant Sci.
  • Laurent Crespel , Camille Le Bras , Thomas Amoroso ,Bénédicte Dubuc , Sylvie Citerne , Maria-Dolores Perez-Garcia  and Soulaiman Sakr .Involvement of sugar and abscisic acid in the genotype-specific response of rose to far-red light.Frontiers in Plant Science 01
  • Ming Wang , Laurent Ogé , Maria-Dolores Pérez Garcia, Alexandra Launay-Avon ,Gilles Clément , Jose Le Gourrierec , Latifa Hamama  and Soulaiman Sakr Antagonistic Effect of Sucrose Availability and Auxin on Rosa Axillary Bud   Metabolism and Signaling, Based on the Transcriptomics and Metabolomics Analysis.Front. Plant Sci.
  • Zhengrong Jiang , Qiuli Chen , Lin Chen , Dun Liu , Hongyi Yang , Congshan Xu , Jinzhi Hong ,Jiaqi Li , Yanfeng Ding, Soulaiman Sakr , Zhenghui Liu , Yu Jiang  and Ganghua Li ,Sink Strength Promoting Remobilization of Non-Structural Carbohydrates by Activating Sugar Signaling in Rice Stem during Grain Filling .Int. J. Mol.Sci. 2022, 23, 4864.
  • Zhengrong Jiang, Ming Wang, Michael Nicolas, Laurent Ogé, Maria-Dolores Pérez-Garcia, Laurent Crespel, Ganghua Li, Yanfeng Ding, José Le Gourrierec, Philippe Grappin and Soulaiman Sakr Article: Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenases: The Hidden Players of Plant Physiology  Int J Mol Sci 2022 
  •  Marthe Malécange,1,2 Maria-Dolores Pérez-Garcia,1 Sylvie Citerne,3 Renaud Sergheraert,2 Julie Lalande,1 Béatrice Teulat,1 Emmanuelle Mounier,2 Soulaiman Sakr,1,*† and Jérémy Lothier1,†Leafamine®, a Free Amino Acid-Rich Biostimulant, Promotes Growth Performance of Deficit-Irrigated Lettuce
  • Francois F Barbier  2   3 , Jinfeng Zhao  1 , Syed A Zafar  1 , Muhammad Uzair  1 , Yinglu Sun  1 , Jingjing Fang  1 , Maria-Dolores Perez-Garcia  4 , Jessica Bertheloot  4 , Soulaiman Sakr  4 , Franziska Fichtner  2   3 , Tinashe G Chabikwa  2 , Shoujiang Yuan  5 , Christine A Beveridge  2   3 , Xueyong Li  1 Sucrose promotes D53 accumulation and tillering in rice New Physologist




  • Wang M, Perez-Garcia MD, Davière JM, Barbier F, Ogé L, Gentilhomme J, Voisine L, Péron T, Launay Avon Alexandra, Clément G, Baumberer N, Balzergue S, Macherel D, Grappin P, Bertheloot J, Achard P, Hamama L, Sakr S. 2021. Outgrowth of the axillary bud in rose is controlled by sugar metabolism and signalling. Journal of Experimental Botany doi:10.1093/jxb/erab046
  • Wang M, Le Gourrierec J, Jiao FC, Demotes-Mainard S, Perez-Garcia MD, Oge L, Hamama L, Crespel L, Bertheloot J, Chen JT, Grappin P, Sakr S. 2021. Convergence and Divergence of Sugar and Cytokinin Signaling in Plant Development. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(3).
  • Boumaza R, Santagostini P, Yousfi S, Demotes-Mainard S. dad: an R Package for Visualisation, Classification and Discrimination of Multivariate Groups Modelled by their Densities. The R Journal, Di Cook, Monash University, Australia. ⟨hal-03344822⟩
  • Barbier F, Da Cao, Franziska Fichtner, Christoph Weiste, Perez‐Garcia MD, Caradeuc M, Le Gourrierec J, Sakr S, Beveridge CA. 2021. HEXOKINASE1 signalling promotes shoot branching and interacts with cytokinin and strigolactone pathways. New Phytologist 231: 1088–1104,
  • Patil S, Barbier F,  Zhao J, Zafar SA, Uzair M, Sun Y, Fang J, Garcia, M-D, Fichtner F, Chabikwa T, Bertheloot J, Sakr S, Yuan S, Beveridge CA, Li X. 2021. Sucrose represses the expression of the strigolactone signalling gene D3/RMS4/MAX2 to promote tillering. New Phytologist (revision)
  • Mballo S, Herpin S, Manteau M, Demotes-Mainard S, Bournet PE.    2021. Impact of   well-watered trees on the microclimate inside a canyon street scale model in outdoor environment.
  • Zhang Y, Henke M, Buck-Sorlin GH, Li Y, Xu H, Liu X, & Li T. (2021). Estimating canopy leaf physiology of tomato plants grown in a solar greenhouse: Evidence from simulations of light and thermal microclimate using a Functional-Structural Plant Model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 307, 108494..
  • Ramananjatovo T, Chantoiseau E, Guillermin P, Guénon R, Delaire M, Buck-Sorlin G, Cannavo P. (2021). Growth of Vegetables in an Agroecological Garden-Orchard System: The Role of Spatiotemporal Variations of Microclimatic Conditions and Soil Properties. Agronomy 2021, 11, 1888. 8
  • Porcher A, Guérin V, Leduc N, Lebrec A, Lothier J, Vian A. 2021. Ascorbate–glutathione pathways mediated by cytokinin regulate H2O2 levels in light-controlled rose bud burst. Plant Physiology 186 (2), 910-928


  • Crespel L., Le Bras C., Amoroso T., Ulloa MGU, Morel P., Sakr S. (2020). Genotype x Light Quality Interaction on Rose Architecture. Agronomy-Basel 10(6).
  • Wang M, Zang LL, Jiao FC, Perez-Garcia MD, Oge L, Hamama L, Le Gourrierec J, Sakr S*, Chen JT*. (2020). Sugar Signaling and Post-transcriptional Regulation in Plants: An Overlooked or an Emerging Topic? Frontiers in Plant Science 11.
  • Bertheloot J, Barbier F, Boudon F, Perez-Garcia MD, Péron T, Citerne S, Dun E, Beveridge C, Godin C, Sakr S. 2020. Sugar availability suppresses the auxin-induced strigolactone pathway to promote bud outgrowth. New Phytologist 225:866-879.
  • Garbez M, Belin E, Chéné Y, Donès N, Hunault G, Relion D, Sigogne M, Symoneaux R, Rousseau D, Galopin G, 2020. A new approach to predict the visual appearance of rose bush from image analysis of 3D Videos. Eur. J. Hortic. Sci. 85(3) :182-190. DOI : 10.17660/eJHS.2020/85.3.6
  • Dutagaci H, Rasti P, Galopin G, Rousseau D, 2020. Rose-X an annotated data set for evaluation of 3D plant organ segmentation methods. PlantMethods 16 :28.   doi: 10.1186/s13007-020-00573-w    
  • Langensiepen M, Jansen MAK, Wingler A, Demmig-Adams B, Adams WW, Dodd IC, Fotopoulos V, Snowdon R, Fenollosa E, De Tullio MC, Buck-Sorlin G, Munne-Bosch S. 2020. Linking integrative plant physiology with agronomy to sustain future plant production. Environmental and Experimental Botany 178.
  • Porcher A, Guérin V, Montrichard F, Lebrec A, Lothier J, Vian A. 2020. Ascorbate glutathione-dependent H2O2 scavenging is an important process in axillary bud outgrowth in rosebush. Annals of Botany 126 (6), 1049-1062 DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcaa130
  •  Samie S, Rasti P, Richard P, Galopin G, Rousseau D, 2020. Toward joint acquisition-Annotation of images with egocentric devices for a lower-cost machine learning application to apple detection. Sensors 2020, 20(15), 4173.


  • Wang M, Ogé L, Voisine L, Perez-Garcia MD, Jeauffre J, Hibrand Saint-Oyant L, Grappin P, Hamama L, Sakr S. 2019. Posttranscriptional Regulation of RhBRC1 (Rosa hybrida BRANCHED1) in Response to Sugars is Mediated via its Own 30 Untranslated Region, with a Potential Role of RhPUF4 (Pumilio RNA-Binding Protein Family). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20:3808.
  • Hamama, L. Voisine L, Pierre S., Cesbron D, Ogé L, Lecerf M, Cailleux S, Bosselut J, Foucrier S, Foucher F, Berruyer R, Sakr S, Hibrand-Saint Oyant S. 2019. Improvement of in vitro donor plant competence to increase de novo shoot organogenesis in rose genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae 252:85-95             
  • Wang M, Le Moigne MA, Bertheloot J, Crespel L, Perez-Garcia MD, Ogé L, Demotes-Mainard S, Hamama L, Davière JM, Sakr S. 2019. BRANCHED1: A Key Hub of Shoot Branching. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:76.
  • Schneider A, Godin C, Boudon F, Demotes-Mainard S, Sakr S, Bertheloot J. 2019. Light regulation of axillary bud outgrowth along plant axes: an overview of the roles of sugars and hormones. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:1296.
  • Lemarié S, Guérin V, Sakr S. 2019. Pourquoi et comment faire varier la lumière pour optimiser la production des plantes maraîchères et horticoles : Focus sur les films à photoconversion. Jardins de France 653: 62-64
  • Chantoiseau E, Crespel L. 2019. L’utilisation de l’éclairage LED en Horticulture. Jardins de France 655:58-60



  • Garbez M, Symoneaux R, Belin E, Caraglio Y, Chéné Y, Dones N, Durand JB, Hunault G, Relion D,Sigogne M, Rousseau D, Galopin G. 2018. Ornamental plant architectural characteristics in relation to visual sensory attributes: a new approach on the rose bush for objective evaluation of the visual quality. European Journal of Horticultural Science 83:187-201
  • Vajou B, Fromage B, Andrieu B, Galopin G. 2018. Contribution des médiations végétales à l'autodétermination dans des situations pathologiques. L’Evolution Psychiatrique 83:29-43
  • Sakr S, Wang M, Dédaldéchamp F, Perez Garcia MD, Ogé L, Hamama L, Atanassova R. 2018. The sugar-signaling hub: overview of regulators and interaction with hormonal and metabolic network. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19:2506. 
  • Wang M, Ogé L, Perez-Garcia MD, Hamama L, Sakr, S. 2018. The PUF Protein Family: Overview on PUF RNA Targets, Biological Functions, and Post Transcriptional Regulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 19:410.
  • Crespel L, Morel P, Li-Marchetti C, Deogratias JM, Ferre A, Stapel O, Robert F. 2018. Contrôler l’architecture des plantes horticoles en prenant en compte les facteurs génétiques, environnementaux et culturaux. Innovations Agronomiques 63:43-55


  • Corot A, Roman H, Douille, O, Autret H, Perez-Garcia MD, Citerne S, Bertheloot J, Sakr S, Leduc N, Demotes-Mainard S. 2017. Cytokinins and Abscisic Acid Act Antagonistically in the Regulation of the Bud Outgrowth Pattern by Light Intensity. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1724.
  • Li-Marchetti C, LeBras C, Chastellier A, Relion D, Morel P, Sakr S, Hibrand-Saint Oyant L, Crespel L. 2017. 3D phenotyping and QTL analysis of a complex character: rose bush architecture. Tree Genetics & Genomes 13:112. doi 10.1007/s11295-017-1194-0
  • Roman H, Girault T, Le Gourrierec J, Leduc N. 2017. In silico analysis of 3 expansin gene promoters reveals 2 hubs controlling light and cytokinin response during bud outgrowth. Plant Signaling and Behaviour 12:489-509



  • Roman H, Girault T, Barbier F, Péron T, Brouard N, Pencik A, Novak O, Vian A, Sakr S, Lothier J, Le Gourrierec J, Leduc N. 2016. Cytokinins are initial targets of light in the control of bud outgrowth. Plant Physiology 1672:489-509
  • Garbez M, Chéné Y, Belin E, Sigogne M, Labatte JM, Hunault G, Symoneaux R, Rousseau, D, Galopin G. 2016. Predicting sensorial attribute scores of ornamental plants assessed in 3D through rotation on video by image analysis: A study on the morphology of virtual rose bushes. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 121:331-346
  • Demotes-Mainard S, Péron T, Corot A, Bertheloot J, Le Gourrierec J, Travier S, Crespel L, Morel P, Huché-Thélier L, Boumaza R, Vian A, Guérin V, Leduc N, Sakr S. 2016. Plant responses to red and far-red lights, applications in horticulture. Environmental Experimental Botany 121:4-21
  • Huché-Thélier L, Crespel L, Le Gourrierec J, Morel P, Sakr S, Leduc N. 2016. Light signaling and plant responses to blue light and UV radiation - Perspectives for applications in horticulture. Environmental Experimental Botany 121: 22-38 
  • Li-Marchetti C, Deogratias JM, Stapel O, Ferre A, Morel P, Crespel L. 2016. Contrôler la croissance par des pratiques respectueuses de l’environnement. Le Lien Horticole 985:8-9



  • Barbier F, Peron T, Lecerf M, Perez-Garcia MD, Barriere Q, Rolcik J, Boutet-Mercey S, Citerne S, Lemoine R, Porcheron B, Roman H, Leduc N, Le Gourrierec J, Bertheloot J, Sakr S. 2015. Sucrose is an early modulator of the key hormonal mechanisms controlling bud outgrowth in Rosa hybrida. Journal of Experimental Botany 66:2569-2582
  • Azri W, Le Gourrierec J, Demotes-Mainard S, Huché-Thélier L, Rabot A, Guérin V, Sakr S. 2015. Impacts of contrasting light on bud burst and on RwMAX1 and RwMAX2 expression in rose. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 37:30
  • Boumaza R, Yousfi S, Demotes-Mainard S. 2015. Interpreting the principal component analysis of multivariate density functions. Communications in statistics. Theory and methods 44:3321-3339
  • Garbez M, Galopin G, Sigogne M, Favre P, Demotes-Mainard S, Symoneaux R. 2015. Assessing the visual aspect of rotating virtual rose busches by a labeled sorting task. Food Quality and Preference 40:287-295
  • Li-Marchetti C, LeBras C, Relion D, Citerne S, Huché-Thélier L, Sakr S, Morel P, Crespel L. 2015. Genotypic difference in architectural and physiological responses to water restriction in rose bush. Frontiers in Plant Science 6:355
  • Rameau C, Bertheloot J, Leduc N, Andrieu B, Foucher F, Sakr S. 2015. Multiple pathways regulate shoot branching. Frontiers in Plant Science 5.