Charlotte Gaudin

Charlotte GAUDIN

PhD student - INRAE

  • Contact
Charlotte Gaudin

Equipe/Team EmerSys
42, rue Georges Morel
CS 60057
49071 BEAUCOUZE Cedex

Tel : +33 (0)2 41 22 57 94

Email :

I am a PhD student in microbiology and the topic of my thesis is « Common bean Resistance Induction Studied using Transcription Activator-Like effectors ».

Common bacterial blight is one of the most devastating bacterial common bean disease caused by Xanthomonas citri pv. fuscans et X. phaseoli pv. phaseoli. The main goal of my thesis is to find new sources of common bean resistance which will help to find new ways of genetic control against these bacteria. 

  • Skills and competences

Plant-Microbes Interactions, Molecular Biology, Pathogenicity test

LinkedIn profile

  • CV

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