Alain VIAN

Alain VIAN

Professeur des universités - Université d'Angers

Compétences de recherche

Pr. Alain Vian
Pr. Alain Vian

Mon thème de recherche porte sur l'étude des interactions plantes / environnement aux échelles moléculaire, biochimique et plante entière. Je m'intéresse plus particulièrement aux aspects moléculaires (expression de gènes spécifiques, métabolisme des ROS - marques épigénétiques) liés au développement des plantes, en lien avec des phénomènes de mémorisation. J'étudie également les effets biologiques des rayonnements électromagnétiques de très haute fréquence sur le développement des plantes, en collaboration avec l'Institut Pascal de Clermont-Ferrand.

Je suis actuellement

  • Co-responsable (pour la partie "plantes") du projet DEFI-Ondes (SNCF réseau / Institut Pascal / INRAE de Clermont-Fd / IRHS d'Angers)
  • Animateur STREMHO du laboratoire commun BioEM (CEA-DAM Gramat, Institut Pascal)
  • Membre élu du Conseil National des Universités (68ème section)

Production scientifique

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Publications sur thèmes de recherche actuels

HANDA AP, VIAN A, SINGH HP, KOHLI RK, KAUR S, BATISH DR. Effect of 2850 MHz electromagnetic field radiation on the early growth, antioxidant activity, and secondary metabolite profile of red and green cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.). Environmental Science and Pollution Research (in press) IF : 5,8.

PORCHER A, WILMOT N, BONNET P, PROCACCIO V, VIAN A. Changes in Gene Expression After Exposing Arabidopsis thaliana Plants to Nanosecond High Amplitude Electromagnetic Field Pulses. Bioelectromagnetics 45: 4-15 (2024). IF : 1,9.

PORCHER A, GIRARD S, BONNET P, ROUVEURE R, GUERIN V, PALADIAN F, VIAN A. Non thermal 2.45 GHz electromagnetic exposure causes rapid changes in Arabidopsis thaliana metabolism. Journal of Plant Physiology 286 : 153999 (2023). IF : 3,69.

CZERWINSKI M, VIAN A, WOODCOCK BA, GOLINSKI P, RECUERO VIRTO L, JANUSZKIEWICZ L.  Do elec­tromagnetic fields used in telecommunications affect wild plant species? A control impact study conducted in the field. Biological indicators  150 : 110267 (2023). IF : 6,26.

PORCHER A, GUERIN V, MACHEREL D, LEBREC A, SATOUR P, LOTHIER J, VIAN A. High expression of ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE 2 in latent axillary buds suggests its key role in quiescence maintenance in rosebush. Plant & Cell Physiology 64( 2): 165–175 (2023). IF: 4,92

POPHOF B, HENSCHENMACHER B†, KATTNIG DR†, KUHNE J†, VIAN A†, ZIEGELBERGER G†. Biological Effects of Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields from 0 to 100 MHz on Fauna and Flora. Workshop Report. Health Physics 124(1): 39-52 (2023). IF : 2,92 † : contribution égale des auteurs.

POPHOF B, HENSCHENMACHER B†, KATTNIG DR†, KUHNE J†, VIAN A†, ZIEGELBERGER G†. Biological Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields above 100 MHz on Fauna and Flora: Workshop Report. Health Physics. 124(1): 31-38 (2023). IF : 2,92 † : contribution égale des auteurs.

PORCHER A, GUERIN V, LEDUC N, LEBREC A, LOTHIER J, VIAN A. Ascorbate-glutathione pathways, mediated by cytokinin, regulate H2O2 level in light control in rose bud burst. Plant Physiology 186: 910–928 (2021) IF 8.34

KAUR S, VIAN A, PAL SINGH H, CHANDEL S, BATISH DR, SHARMA VP, KOHLI RK.  20, pages55–74(2021) Sensitivity of plants to high frequency electromagnetic radiation: cellular mechanisms and morphological changes. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology. IF 14,2 † : contribution égale des auteurs.

PORCHER A, GUERIN V, MONTRICHARD F, LEBREC A, LOTHIER J, VIAN A. Ascorbate glutathione-dependent H2O2 scavenging is an important process in axillary bud outgrowth in rosebush. Annals of Botany 126:1049–1062 (2020) IF 4

CZERWINSKY M, JANUSZKIEWICZ Ł, VIAN A, LAARO A. The influence of bioactive mobile telephony radiation at the level of a plant community – possible mechanisms and indicators of the effects. Ecological Indicators (2019) IF 4,49

VANBERGEN AJ, POTTS SG, VIAN A, MALKEMPER P, YOUNG J, TSCHEULIN T. Risk to pollinators from anthropogenic electro-magnetic radiation(EMR): Evidence and knowledge gaps. Science of the Total Environment 695: 133833 (2019). IF 5,58

LE MOIGNE MA, GUERIN V, FURET PM, BILLARD V, LEBREC A, SPICHAL L, ROMAN H, CITERNE S, MORVAN-BERTRAND A, LIMAMI A, VIAN A, LOTHIER J. Asparagine and sugars are both required to sustain secondary axis elongation after bud outgrowth in Rosa hybrida. J. Plant Physiol.  222: 17-27 (2018) IF : 2.97

VIAN A, DAVIES E, GENDRAUD M, BONNET P. Plant responses to high frequency electromagnetic fields. BioMed Research International 2016: Article ID 1830262 (2016). IF 2.13

ROMAN H, GIRAULT T, BARBIER F, PÉRON T, BROUARD N, PĚNČÍK A, NOVÁK O, VIAN A, SAKR S, LOTHIER J, LE GOURRIEREC J, LEDUC N. 2016. Cytokinins Are Initial Targets of Light in the Control of Bud Outgrowth. Plant Physiology 172(1):489-509 (2016). IF 6.45

GREMIAUX A, GIRARD S, GUERIN V, LOTHIER J, BALUSKA F, DAVIES E, BONNET P, VIAN A. Low-amplitude, high-frequency electromagnetic field exposure causes delayed and reduced growth in Rosa hybrida. J. Plant Physiol. 190 : 44-53 (2016) IF : 2.97

DEMOTES-MAINARD S, PÉRON T, COROT A, BERTHELOOT J, LE GOURRIEREC J, PELLESCHI-TRAVIER S, CRESPEL L, MOREL PH, HUCHÉ-THÉLIER L, BOUMAZA R, VIAN A, GUÉRIN V, LEDUC N, SAKR S. Plant Responses to red and far-red lights, applications in horticulture. Environmental and Experimental Botany 121: 421 (2016). IF 4.37

FURET PM, LOTHIER J, DEMOTES-MEINARD S, TRAVIER S, HENRY C, GUERIN V, VIAN A. Light and nitrogen nutrition regulate apical control in Rosa hybrida L. Journal of Plant Physiology 171(5): 7-13 (2014) IF 2.97

DAVIES E, STANKOVIC S, VIAN A, WOOD AJ. Where has all the message gone? Plant science 185-186: 23-32 (2012) IF 3.59

HENRY C., RABOT A., LALOI M., MORTREAU E., SIGOGNE M., LEDUC N., LEMOINE R., SAKR S., VIAN A., PELLESCHI-TRAVIER S.  Regulation of RhSUC2, a sucrose transporter, is correlated with the light control of bud burst in Rosa sp. Plant, Cell and Environment 34: 1776-1789 (2011) IF=5.41

LALLECHERE S, GIRARD S, ROUX D, BONNET P, PALADIAN F, VIAN A. Mode stirred reverberation chamber (MSRC): A large and efficient tool to lead high frequency bioelectromagnetic in vitro experimentation. Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 26, 257-290 (2010) IF 1.02

ROUX D, VIAN A, GIRARD S, BONNET P, PALADIAN F, DAVIES E, LEDOIGT G. High frequency (900 MHz) low amplitude (5 V m-1) electromagnetic field: a genuine environmental stimulus that affects transcription, translation, calcium and energy charge in tomato plants. 2008. Planta 227 : 883–891. IF : 3.39

ROUX D, FAURE C, BONNET P, GIRARD S, LEDOIGT G, DAVIES E, GENDRAUD M, VIAN A. A possible role for extra-cellular ATP in plant responses to high frequency, low amplitude electromagnetic field. Plant signaling & behavior 3(6), 383-385 (2007). IF 1,2

BEAUBOIS E, GIRARD S, LALLECHERE S, DAVIES E, PALADIAN F, BONNET P, LEDOIGT G, VIAN A. Intercellular communication in plants: evidence for two rapidly transmitted systemic signals generated in response to electromagnetic field stimulation in tomato. Plant, Cell & Environment 30: 834–844 (2007) IF 6.36

ROUX D, VIAN A, GIRARD S, BONNET P, PALADIAN F, DAVIES E, LEDOIGT G. Electromagnetic fields (900MHz) evoke consistent molecular responses in tomato plants. Physiol. Plant. 128(2): 283-288 (2006). IF: 4.1

VIAN A, FAURE C, GIRARD S, DAVIES E, HALLE F, BONNET P, LEDOIGT G, PALADIAN F. Plants Respond to GSM-Like Radiations. Plant Signaling and Behavior 2(6): 522-524 (2007). IF 1.2

VIAN A, ROUX D, GIRARD S, BONNET P, PALADIAN F, DAVIES E, LEDOIGT G. Microwave Irradiation Affects Gene Expression in Plants. Plant Signaling and Behavior 1(2): 67-69 (2006) IF: 1.2


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